Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Good company makes all the difference

Ever since I started running regularly, I have been a bit apprehensive about running with someone else. My pace is my pace - I cannot change it to match someone else's; I didn't want to. I didn't want to slow anyone else down or feel pressured to run faster or longer. I ran with a friend during my last run and it made the process so much easier that we were in sync. The first mile was my fastest although the slower miles got a little slower because we were chatting while catching our breath, the entire run felt much easier. I did realize that doing something with someone you like, makes things so much easier.

The logic applies to jobs as well - my recent conversation with a friend about how much she loved the job she is signing up for led to a discussion about how the people you work with/ surround yourself with can make or break a job. Good work can keep you occupied for a while, but good people can keep you hooked and inspire you to do better work for life - and that matters more (well, to me atleast).

Bottom Line: Good people make challenges easier, make you want to take on more.

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