Monday, November 4, 2013

What is your Net Impact?

I haven't run in a while, for a variety of reasons (that I call excuses), but when I started writing this blog, it was meant to be as much about my success at running as it was about my failure, and at the same time, about my life as a second year MBA student. I'll come back to my running, but first...

I attended my first Net Impact conference this year - it was in San Jose at the convention center. Net Impact is a community of more than 40,000 student and professional leaders creating positive social and environmental change in the workplace and the world. The annual conference that is organized at different locations every year (last year it was at Baltimore), brings together various Net Impact club members from different business schools and also professional chapters (I did not know you can continue once you start working!). The conference had a variety of inspirational speakers who are inducing sustainability into the small business world as well as the big corporation universe. It was very inspiring to hear about people my age who broke the mould to go do something different, something with a purpose that doesn't revolve around "me" but "us". It was also such great exposure to companies that I haven't come across - the opening keynote speakers were the founder/ CEOs of,, and Carrotmob/ The Spring. I think the theme of the entire conference was 'dare to do something different' because each and every one of us that were there, were there and interested for a reason and maybe not all of us are working toward something big, but we are supporting and sharing ideas and thoughts in the same realm. The best part was that I didn't feel judged that I wasn't in that arena - everyone was just happy talking about what they did, and they just wanted listeners. More about the sessions I liked in the next posts (I should've probably started posting right after the conference but I like to mull things and let them marinate a bit - plus this is an ongoing conversation).

Back to the running - I won't list out all my excuses (well, maybe just a few -  it IS cold, I was traveling, and I have had back issues, and there is a lot of work...), but I realize now that I haven't ran in two weeks and I can't get myself to start back up. I am looking for that inspiration to get up and get moving again - despite the cold (and probably on the treadmill that I dread so much). Yup - this is a low, as far as running is concerned - but its not the end.

Bottom Line: Go to the next Net Impact conference - get inspired to be different!

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