Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pushing through gets harder and harder

I'd like to say that it gets easier, but really you just figure out how to get through it - there is no such thing as easy. My second run was after a late night out with classmates, and it was brutal. I hit my 3 mile mark today and I did walk for a lot of it, but I hit 3 miles and my best pace in a long time (no clue how that happened - I thought I was going to keel over and die). Right after I started running, when the aftermath of alcohol intake hit me, I just wanted to turn around and head home (it's amazing how many muscles can start aching) and I saw someone else running - so I decided to keep at it for a little longer. Even if I walked, I just wanted to hit the 3 mile mark today - so I did.

Similar to assignments (so first year - its all about projects and papers now) sometimes, when you have five assignments in one week and you know there is no possible way you can get them all done to perfection without pulling all nighters, you just get as much as you can done and head to bed. The goal is to put your best foot forward (and hope you don't hit black ice and break your already aching bones).

Bottom Line: Things don't get easier with time, you make it easier.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

When giving up is not an option

I thought I had given up on running. I haven't ran since the last time I posted in November, and I have been busy, and the weather hasn't been very conducive either (if you can call snowy ice laden roads not conducive)  so I haven't quite missed it. Today, however, I decided to put on my running gear and just go. I needed some alone time. I needed to clear my head. I needed to connect with me. There are times in business school when you are around too many people all the time - group projects, student government meetings, building committee meetings, study groups, birthdays, goodbyes - and you lose yourself, your inspiration. Running today gave me a much needed inspirational boost and some time to myself.

I remember starting at Tepper and last year around this time, I was trying to figure out how to get an internship. I was rejected from multiple places that I really wanted - not enough leadership experience, doesn't have a passion for marketing, etc. etc. It was a humbling experience, needless to say, but I kept chugging on and so did many of my classmates. I see a lot of my successors going through the same process, but the key is just not giving up. Things will never go exactly as you want (swimming may not be as easy as the five year olds make it out to be and you may never find the big australian hunk to fall in love with), but keeping your head high and chugging along will open up opportunities that are meant more for you than those you were running toward.

And so, with a somewhat clear head, and a reminder to keep going, I start my series of posts leading up to the Pittsburgh marathon!

Bottom Line: Sometimes you think you've given up on something, but maybe that something just ran away for a little bit.